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Berry Bokr aneb Čerstvé kozy denně na trh

(Berry Bokr alias Fresh Goats on the Market Every Day)

Berry Bokr aneb Čerstvé kozy denně na trh
Title:Berry Bokr aneb Čerstvé kozy denně na trh
Author:Zsolt Staník

Editor:Alena Staňková, Milena Perglerová
Illustrations and cover:Zdeněk Netopil
Graphical arrangement:Radek Novotný
Publisher:Ivo Železný, Prague
First published:2005
191 pages (printed edition)

Price114 CZK
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About the book

To make other people happy is to be happy oneself. This is not a profession, neither is it a necessity. It is a life style, one that is encoded in our heart, because man is a social animal and can either be good or bad. Everyone has his own idea of being happy. For one it is nature, for another it is somebody else’s happiness. Rarely is it a life of boredom. There is no recipe to make one happy. It is something one has to look for, to find.

This book tries to make its readers happy through two lovable people, their untraditional behaviour and activities: Berry Bokr, producer of cable lugs and pensioner Zajíc, two totally different human characters. The story is situated near Rožmitál a town in Central Bohemia, an area familiar and well-loved by the author, offering lovely landscape and great people. And so the author hopes that when you have finished reading the book you will have come to the conclusion that life is beautiful, enchanting and certainly worth living to the full.