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Rapsodie v pruhovaném - Nedokončená (Rapsody in stripes - Unfinished)

Rapsodie v pruhovaném - Nedokončená
Title:Rapsodie v pruhovaném - Nedokončená
(Rapsody in stripes - Unfinished)
Author:Zsolt Staník

Ilustrations and cover:Zdeněk Netopil
Editor:Dana Řezníčková
Graphical layout and typeset:Vydavatelství Kosmas
Publisher:Zsolt Staník, Prague
First published:2015
ISBN:ePub: 978-80-904045-7-1
Mobi: 978-80-904045-8-8

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About the book

The question of human rights in the current conception has raised the attention of the author for a long time. The rights of the two groups living together on our planet as long as the world exists - the perpetrators of crime and their victims. And, unfortunately it will never be different.

Agatha, the founder of the charity organization ‘Rights to the victims,’ and her assistant, Peter, are trying to find some solutions that would give more security to the innocent. Their reflections lead through the total isolation of perpetrators to a more humane solution, which aims to reduce the number of potential perpetrators of these acts. They will be partly helped by intelligent creatures from the universe who have clearly managed to distinguish offenders from "pure" people. The solution, however, remains in the hands of Agatha and Peter, who are implementing, at least to a limited extent, a project that at the end has some hope of rectification in this sense.

The activities of the Inštitút Velkňaza Krista (Institute of the Grand Priest of Christ) in Žakovce, Slovakia, where the author among former prisoners, treated alcoholics, drug addicts, girls from the institution for young offenders, abandoned mothers with children and people with disabilities stayed some time in 2011 has served to some extent as a source of inspiration.

Many people's life stories show the complexity of their involvement in normal life. At the same time, however, also their chances to reduce the likelihood of new casualties.

In the fate of the main protagonists, the former prisoners of Peter, Paul, Katka and dopehead and alcoholic Jana, the ZS also tries to point out the relationship problems of the people affected.